Category: SharePoint

When you sharing PnP PowerShell scripts with someone, sometimes these users don’t have the option to install cmdlets on their machines and that will lead to some questions back and forth about the script not working as expected. So, we can save the modules required to perform our task on the PC and then execute from there the code.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

In my last blog post, I shared a PowerShell script that allows you to export a term set to a CSV file. This script has similar purposes but with fewer lines of code. This will extract the complete term group instead of the Term set as well. If you which, you can edit the file created and delete the unwanted term set that was created by this command.

Photo by PDPics on Pixabay

This is one of the most used features of SharePoint and sometimes, we may create this term set on a testing site and we need to transfer this term set to other sites. I’ve created a PowerShell script that allows you to export this to a CSV file. You can then use SharePoint OOTB functionality to import the term set to your taxonomy somewhere else.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

When creating new pages with News Post often we don’t know exactly the images. Same happen with some document that you may want your company to have access on when creating the new pages. So a couple of days I cross with the feature on SharePoint Online that allows you to create these
Organization Assets. To enable this, it’s needed to run a couple of cmdlets.

PowerShell is used to complete multiple tasks nowadays, for example, we can have an Azure Function that runs PowerShell. This is also applicable if you want someone that works with you on a project that you’ve done a task or something as been created. A good way is to create a specific channel on Microsoft Teams Team with this connector that informs us when the PowerShell has finished.

Sometimes when building some internal processes to organizations, it’s possible that it is required to create a SharePoint list. However, sometimes it can create confusion for the end-user that sees the list there. So we can hide that list from the SharePoint site to avoid this. Everything will work as normal on the list and it’ll be accessible via URL. This scenario can be used as well when you’re building a new list using List Formatting and you don’t want the list to be available just yet. This is possible to be done in a SharePoint with a few steps. We’ll use the PNP Powershell and Office 365 CLI to demonstrate.

When we’re collaborating inside our organizations we often send links with access to the document. This task is done in a dairy and sometimes it is difficult to understand which files as been shared. So a couple of weeks ago, I cross with this feature that is recent on SharePoint/OneDrive that allows you to get a report, on CSV, to verify which files are being shared.

A few weeks ago, I’ve submitted my first contribution to the community repository of SharePoint Framework solutions, in this case for the extension. This was built with the purpose to send a message to your external users that access your SharePoint site. You can present this message to all your SharePoint sites using the Tenant wide extension list on your Tenant App Catalog.

Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay

If you have SharePoint custom solutions, you can have then installed globally, on your Tenant App Catalog or on the site collection – Site App Catalog. Each time that you create the Site App Catalog, you will see that on the site collection but if you do this process for multiple sites, you may forget each one has that feature active. So today, we’ll use a PowerShell Command to extract this information and also provide the URL that you can access to verify the information on this hidden list.