After reviewing the amazing article of Emanuele Bartolesi about customizing the new terminal for Windows which looks amazing and then I asked myself – how about configuring it with the logo of the PnP or the famous mascot of Parker? Let’s make it so I’ve built a customized terminal with the PNP media logos. I’ve added it to the GIT so everyone can copy this configuration or improve it.
Few points that you need to adjust to your own desktop:
- Make sure you’ve installed the latest update of the Windows 10 (Build 1903) to be able to download the new terminal
- On the next link, you can have the terminal – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/windows-terminal-preview/9n0dx20hk701
- At the first start, it’ll be like default Command Prompt or PowerShell
- Each desktop will have its own GUID’s ( Command Prompt & PowerShell), store both for the configuration, you’ll need to replace it when editing the configuration file for each
- At the globals, you can define which ones open first
- To access the configuration profile.json click CTRL + , – go to arrow on the terminal and then click setting
- The logos can be stored anywhere, however, I would recommend storing on the profile folder: C:/Users/CONTOSO/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/RoamingState/
- Logos of PNP can be found here: https://github.com/pnp/media/
- You can find my customization on the gif above here –https://gist.github.com/DRamalho92/e0324bc1ba0c77e7a7334a6fd45cafde
- Amazing examples in the article used as reference (Star Wars looks AMAZING)
- You can add multiple profiles
How to customize the new Windows Terminal with Visual Studio Code
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