Category: PowerShell

In the past, the Sandbox Solutions were the easiest way to add custom solution added to your SharePoint Classic sites and usually, we can just deactivating the solution and that will not be activated on the SharePoint site anymore but will always be there on the solutions list unless we delete the package.

External sharing is an important subject inside of the organizations because all days, we requiring to share a document or multiple documents. However, if there when managing multiple sites inside SharePoint this task can be challenging since you can have different setting for each site. On this article, we’ll export to an Excel the External Sharing of your organization from the tenant.

The Hub sites that are connected on SharePoint (hubify), by default will have the search made on the particular site that the users connects. Making the search on those SharePoint sites to be global can make the life easier of your employees to find documents on the Intranet. On this article, we’ll provide a PowerShell script that makes all the sites of that particular Hub to have the Search globally activated.

The Modern SharePoint by default only allows you to search inside that specific site. However, the new version of SharePoint PNP PowerShell allows you to activate the Search for all SharePoint instead of just that specific site.

You can remove the footer by interface but you need to remove one by one. This example is when you have a template of a Modern Communication site applied to sub-sites. With PNP PowerShell, we can disable all the Footers from the Communication site.

With SharePoint Modern Experience, we’ve features where your SharePoint users can comment on the content of the page if you allow it in all/some areas of your Intranet. They also have a social area where you can see the users that like the page as well how many people visited that particular page. You have also an area where you can submit an idea to improve the SharePoint Online experience. On this article, you’ll understand how to disable/enable these options.

Modern experience solutions are created every day and installing them on Office 365 can be challenging and can create confusion for users. How do have this solution on this site and not on another one? In this article, it’s reviewed both methods available to install solutions on SharePoint and explain what is best for what.

Microsoft Teams have been a great Modern Workspace collaboration tool due to the diversity and how easy is to use. Creating a new Team is pretty easy and that can encourage to create teams for everything. Controlling your teams can be challenging. In the article, we will get a report from your Teams on your Organization.

By default, when you trying to activate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature, you’re getting an error message on your SharePoint. That is because there are some hidden SharePoint features required to be able to activate SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure. This option is disabled with the SharePoint Modern Experience.