Category: PowerShell

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In my last blog post, I shared a PowerShell script that allows you to export a term set to a CSV file. This script has similar purposes but with fewer lines of code. This will extract the complete term group instead of the Term set as well. If you which, you can edit the file created and delete the unwanted term set that was created by this command.

Photo by PDPics on Pixabay

This is one of the most used features of SharePoint and sometimes, we may create this term set on a testing site and we need to transfer this term set to other sites. I’ve created a PowerShell script that allows you to export this to a CSV file. You can then use SharePoint OOTB functionality to import the term set to your taxonomy somewhere else.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

When creating new pages with News Post often we don’t know exactly the images. Same happen with some document that you may want your company to have access on when creating the new pages. So a couple of days I cross with the feature on SharePoint Online that allows you to create these
Organization Assets. To enable this, it’s needed to run a couple of cmdlets.

Sometimes when building some internal processes to organizations, it’s possible that it is required to create a SharePoint list. However, sometimes it can create confusion for the end-user that sees the list there. So we can hide that list from the SharePoint site to avoid this. Everything will work as normal on the list and it’ll be accessible via URL. This scenario can be used as well when you’re building a new list using List Formatting and you don’t want the list to be available just yet. This is possible to be done in a SharePoint with a few steps. We’ll use the PNP Powershell and Office 365 CLI to demonstrate.

When creating a new page a header with the title of the page will be shown to the user. In the current days, it’s not possible to remove that header from the page using the SharePoint interface. Today, we will share a PowerShell that allows you to remove that area from the page and some article that you can use with different options.

Recently I have seen on the community that when you add a column with the internal name of Thumbnail, SharePoint automatically generates a preview of the document. In the post below, we’ll add this column to multiple SharePoint sites that have the list or library that you intend to have the preview of the document. This feature has been requested on the SharePoint User Voice.

Today, we will review and use a List formatting, one of the features that SharePoint and apply it via PnP PowerShell. You can use it to apply to multiple sites with this automated process. The concept of this sample is that you have a Team inside your organization and you want to share the contacts of the persons on your SharePoint using a list. The PowerShell created will allow you to create all the required assets for using this sample.

With the script that we’re showing, you can reset the masterpage on a SharePoint site and get back to the default masterpage (Seattle). This command can be used by any SharePoint version, a few notes that I want the user to be aware before running this script.

With the next PnP PowerShell script, you will be able to Enable the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure on your SharePoint site to have access to some features that you may need. This process will change your SharePoint site structure so please be aware of that when executing this script. This script is valid for SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2019.